A pink sky greets the day as the seagulls precariously fly across the sky, while wind pushes the mixture of salt and fresh water towards the shore. While looking across the sound during a peaceful moment, one's mind begins to wander and wonder:
"Whose eyes have seen the beauty painted out for all to see in earlier times?; Who has walked the shoreline specifically following gathered birds hoping to find enough fish for themselves and perhaps others?; What pirate anchored his ship here, headed inland in search of treasures and captives?; What did the first colonists think as they arrived to a new land, likely to never see their own again?".
Over time, the land along the ocean and the sound has been developed with large houses and amenities for those who visit and roam the land and waters. What might the area have been like without all the building? Wild, untamed, untarnished? Those present may never know except through memories and stories told by those who came before, and where the imagination might take someone as they look out across and endless sound and ocean.