Friday, December 13, 2013

Happy St. Lucia Day!

Growing up my father's side of my family celebrated a version of the Scandinavian tradition of St. Lucia Day.  Ours took place on Christmas Eve because this was the time when we were all together and a way to incorporate our Swedish heritage into our gathering.  One of the girls in our family would dress up in the white gown with a red sash and wear the crown of evergreen and candles.  We would listen to the folk song about St. Lucia in Swedish as one of my cousins, or even myself, served cookies.  I love this tradition and the story of St. Lucy (check it out here).  In 1627 John Donne wrote a poem titled "A Nocturnal upon St. Lucy's Day", my favorite part of the poem below.  Read the full poem here.

Since she enjoys her long night's festival,
Let me prepare towards her, and let me call
This hour her vigil, and her eve, since this
Both the year's, and the day's deep midnight is. 
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1 comment:

  1. Wonderful tradition started with Grammie Helen many years ago
