Wednesday, October 27, 2010

First Snow

Our first snow of the season came this week, leaving our mountains white and the evergreens with patches of snow glistening in the sun. We can usually anticipate a snow storm to arrive around Halloween, preparing us for the winter months ahead.

This snow was certainly enough to stick around for a few days, and still here, although not quite enough for building snowmen. We are reminded to get out our winter clothes, although most have never been put up, gather up the hoses, get the toys out of the yard, and prepare to cozy up by the fire.

We begin to settle into our slower routine. No longer the busy go, go of summer, enjoying the sun while we can, but now we can sit down and enjoy the warmth of something warm to drink, and fill the air with something sweet baking in the oven.

Although I am not fond of driving on snow packed roads, I am ready for a little slower pace. To curl up, like the squirrels must and the bears, and enjoy the warm fire. To rest awhile, while the snow does its magic and allows the earth to be quiet.
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